Meredith was the most wonderful doula our family could ask for. She was like a fairy godmother to us. She helped our family adjust to our second child and gave us very practical advice on how to thrive as a family of 4. She was genuinely caring and was frequently checking in on us and giving us advice even during off hours. Meredith was able to see when I needed someone to talk to and share my worries as a new mother of two. Her words of encouragement and love always lifted my spirits. She is not only a doula to the mother and newborn, but also to the entire family. She became a friend/ snack buddy to my toddler who needed extra love at times with the arrival of his new sister. We have such fond memories of the postpartum period and this is thanks to Meredith.

- Kent, Rosalynn, Hiroshi and Emi

Choosing Meredith as our doula was one of the best decisions we made for our growing family. Her support was nothing short of exceptional. Not only did she provide us with invaluable guidance and care, but she also went the extra mile by constantly sending us helpful articles and suggesting products to address any concerns we had with our newborn. Meredith approached her work with a gentle touch, both with us, as new parents, and with our precious baby, fostering a sense of trust and comfort during a vulnerable time. Her unwavering moral support was a lifeline, helping us navigate the ups and downs of early parenthood with grace and confidence, while managing to keep our active beagle, Diego content and included. We are forever grateful for her expertise, compassion, and dedication. Meredith truly made a lasting impact on our journey into parenthood.

-Luis, Monica, Leonardo and Diego

As first time parents, we were super lucky to have Meredith as our postpartum doula. She is such a great person for your much needed support team. She is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with babies and the whole postpartum journey. I learned so much from her about my recovery and all the things I didn’t know about babies. She is always eager to help us find answers for my complicated questions or get us in touch with the right colleagues, lactation consultants, dentists, body workers, etc.

She is really dedicated to making sure mom, dad, and baby are taken care of. It’s a lot for one person but she does it with such grace. She made sure we had a few moments to ourselves each day and helped us keep our lives organized. It was a huge transition into parenthood but we had Meredith easing us through it every step of the way. Most importantly, she is a great person to talk to and a positive model for the three of us. I highly recommend her for both new and seasoned moms.

-Sabrina, Edwin and Luna

We were lucky enough to have Meredith join our family as a doula/nanny from March to August 2023 as I returned to work after my maternity leave. I could not have asked for a more caring, engaged, knowledgeable person to take care of us. She was more than punctual, extremely reliable, constantly accessible, especially communicative and forward planning, Meredith quickly became our baby's favorite person -- they cemented a bond I know will last for a lifetime, despite her short time with us.

Meredith was always there (in person or by text) to lend a listening ear for any concern I may have had as a first-time mom, and she was always presenting potential solutions to problems without ever pushing. Knowing that projects around the house (whether it be organizing, crafting, or making sure I took time for myself) were important to help me feel like myself again after my daughter's birth. She lent immense support to make sure I could do those things- even reminding me to take care of myself on days I was scatterbrained. As my daughter grew older, she would look for ways to update our routine and household to meet her ever-changing needs. She put our family first, always -- and we could not be more grateful.

She introduced our baby to so many new things, including music.  I had never listened to Raffi growing up, and now my little girl lights up every time she hears his songs thanks to Meredith. She took the extra steps and initiative to make sure the house and all the people (and pets!) in it were taken care of. I never had to ask her to do laundry, dishes, take my daughter for a walk or to the library...she just knew what needed to be done and did it. I can't even begin to say how much that relieved the stress of planning from my brain -- she took the burden of thinking off my shoulders, and that alone was invaluable.

On days I had to go into the office for work, I felt calm knowing my daughter was happy and well taken care of -- and Meredith sent me many photos to help me cope with being away for the day. She'd even text me photos from the next room as I worked in my home office, which not only brought a smile to my face, but gave me peace of mind knowing my baby was enjoying her day.

We will miss her warmth, support and unending grace and cannot recommend her enough.

-Katie, Nick and Vanna

We had Meredith supporting us after the birth of our second child in late December 2022 through the beginning of February 2023. She made my second postpartum experience far superior than my previous experience with my first child in 2020.

I knew I needed more support with my postpartum experience but I was unsure of what exactly I needed. It didn't matter because Meredith came in and with little to no direction met our family where we were. She was great at helping our toddler adjust to a new sibling (our son still asks "Where'd Ms. Meredith go?" from time to time), helping our newborn establish a routine (she's a baby whisperer!), and helping support my husband and I to get some much needed rest during this time. She was able to anticipate what every member of our family needed in this time of transition.

Meredith is kind, patient, and super efficient. I felt seen as a new (again) mother and everyone in our family loves her. I've recommended her to all my friends who are expecting and would highly recommend hiring Meredith as a postpartum doula for any new or new again mom.

-Jiahan, Ryan, Austin and Aidan

Meredith is the most amazing person that could grace the lives of new parents. We would not have gone through our newborn period as peacefully if she had not been with us. She brought calm to both our new baby, and to us as parents going through it all over again five years after our first child. I couldn’t wait for her to walk through our door each day. 

Meredith knew everything we needed to know about babies, showed me how to bathe my newborn, held her for hours when I was too exhausted, and gave her so much tender love and care. She gives the same to parents, constantly reminding both my husband and I to rest, eat, shower, let go of the anxiety of wanting to do it all. 

Meredith is so intuitive when it comes to the family’s needs, from parents, to siblings, to baby, to canine. She will always be a part of our family.


“I'd been going back and forth for months asking myself if I really needed a doula. The doctor who delivered my second son spoke volumes of them and thank god I took the leap and reached out to various doulas. I ultimately ended up going with Meredith after speaking to various others. Meredith was by far the most responsive, takes the initiative, and she really goes the extra mile in everything she does.

She made sure I ate and took my prenatal vitamins every day. She would answer all my questions regarding breastfeeding, as I struggled in breastfeeding my first born in 2020 (stress was a big contributing factor to this). This second time around, my stress levels were practically non-existent thanks to Meredith and the milk came incredibly.

She checked in on me every day including the weekends when she wasn’t with me. She did various everyday chores around the house which was invaluable to my husband and me as we did not have time to do them. Equally important: Meredith's presence allowed me to have quality alone time to spend with my 2 year old to make sure he was feeling loved. It was so important to make that time count since I couldn’t do many things with him as I recovered from a surgical birth.

Meredith was a god-send and I'm forever grateful with what she provided. I'll be seeking her help again if we go for baby #3!”

- Melissa R.

“I was skeptical when my wife let me know she wanted a doula. We're surrounded by each other's' parents constantly. My mom comes during the week, her parents are here on the weekends, and I work a late schedule where I'm up for most of the night and can attend to the baby over night. What I didn't foresee is that, at 35 years old, I don't have the energy I had even just 2 years ago when our first child was born...

While I have a "can do" attitude, in the weeks before the second child arrived, I realized I was overestimating myself. My work demanded a lot from me this year, and I regularly found myself exhausted and stretched thin in the weeks before the date of our scheduled c-section. Had it not been for Meredith I would've run myself (and my business) aground. 

It was incredible watching Meredith work. She was not only there for my wife, but she was there for me too. Having Meredith was like pressing an easy button. Beyond the work she did to support my wife and the newborn, Meredith has so much child psychology knowledge that was so applicable and helpful for our toddler and us as parents. She took initiative in so many ways and I remember sitting at my desk one day marveling about how stress free I felt. I hadn't been so stress free in years!

Meredith's level of service was like a private luxury hotel. The epitome of her attentiveness and attention to detail was how our bed sheets were always folded to look like something out of a magazine. If you can imagine that level of service sewn into everything Meredith did, you'll accurately picture how phenomenal she is.

- David R.

“When Meredith arrived to help support me and my family, my second baby was nearly 4 weeks old and I was struggling with both postpartum depression anxiety. She met me at my darkest moments, saw me at my worst and told me everything would be okay. 

As soon as I met her, I felt she was a calming presence, like a big hug each and every day.  She showed me the love I needed and showered it on both of my children. Meredith knew exactly what I needed, when I needed it and helped to lighten the weight I felt on my shoulders.  She told me it would be okay and every day she showed me the way.  She promised she’d stay with me until I was able to do it on my own and she was true to her word.

 Meredith was patient and comforting as I navigated the maternal mental health system.  She helped create a schedule with another doula, so I was never alone, she helped with household chores and encouraged me to get outside for some much-needed alone time.  I’m a runner, and she knew being outside, walking, would be beneficial to both my physical and mental health.

She supported me, my husband, my children and even kept in touch with my parents - who happened to be living with us when she began supporting our family, but left when they knew I had the support I needed.   Throughout our time together I felt comfortable, safe and loved.  I genuinely feel Meredith was put in my path, she was an answer to prayer, because she was everything I needed to get through the most challenging and stressful time of my life.  I am forever thankful to Meredith for helping me find my way back to myself, so I could be the best mother and wife I can be.”



“As soon as Meredith started working with our family I felt a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Meredith provided me with invaluable wisdom, guidance, and encouragement. She knows how to truly listen, and she helped my family find balance and stability during a very overwhelming time in our lives. Meredith is the most caring and trustworthy person I have ever met. We are beyond grateful for her help in getting us through those first few months of parenthood.”


“Meredith came into our family when my daughter was just a few months old.  I was a first time Mother and had a very traumatic birth experience, which left me with a lot of pieces to pick up. She was truly a Godsend to our family. 

Meredith has a way of connecting with both the child and parent, that is unprecedented in my experience. I had worked with other postpartum doulas and they had shared tips and suggestions, but Meredith had a way of meeting me where I was, building trust by listening, understanding, and offering supportive advice.  Her suggestions felt very personal, drawing on her education, life experiences, Mothering experience, and most importantly, my reality. 

Meredith is caring, reliable, thorough, responsible, respectful, and professional. As a mother, there is no greater gift I can imagine giving myself than the support of a trusted doula. To this day, three years later she and my daughter still have a beautiful, priceless bond. I highly recommend her.”


“Words cannot express how grateful we are we met Meredith when our son was a newborn. My husband and I were living in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles at the time, and all of our family was on the east coast. She has the most calm, loving, and patient demeanor, and made me feel confident in early motherhood—which is something I really needed to feel! 

She is truly talented with babies, and quite honestly, she was talented at taking care of us, as well. (Full disclosure: we called her “Meredith Poppins.”) I ended up having an emergency c-section for my son’s birth, and was shaken up about it. Meredith’s advice and support about recovery from it was invaluable. Our son also developed eating problems and reflux in the first few months of life, and Meredith was able to bottle feed him (which almost no one else could do!) and she also helped me with nursing. She even made our baby a shush-to-sleep playlist. We so looked forward to the days when she would come to our house. Her love and care for our son was so evident, and it made us all feel more steady on our feet. 

I truly cannot recommend her enough. I would jump at the chance to have her as a doula. She will bring expert knowledge, a sense of calmness, and also joy into your lives! I can say with certainty your family will be greatly enriched by bringing Meredith into your early parenthood journey.”


Meredith truly was a godsend for us as our family of 3 became a family of 4. I was terrified of having another baby since I was feeling like I can barely manage having just one.

Once Meredith walked into our home, I knew we’d be okay. She brought such light and positivity along with a wealth of knowledge and skill. She set the stage for us to welcome our baby girl into a warm, loving home.

Meredith was AMAZING at helping our toddler adjust to all the changes that were happening. She cared for our newborn with tenderness and ease. And every step of the way, she was there for me, providing the emotional support and guidance I needed to be a strong mother. She was a major support to our family in so many ways, from the practical things like making nutritious meals to the big stuff like instilling confidence in us as parents. We are forever grateful for getting to work with Meredith. She’s compassionate, intuitive, diligent, and clearly gifted at what she does. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone who’s having a baby.

- Frances


Meredith is a very special person.  She came to us a few days after the birth of our 3rd child.  It was a last minute decision to hire a postpartum doula as I naively thought that, being a 3rd time mom, I “had it down.”  Once I got home from the birth center, a mess of hormones, with 2 small demanding kids at home and a newborn who wasn’t taking to nursing, it was clear that I did not.  Luckily, from the moment Meredith arrived, with her warm, straightforward and calming presence, I felt I could relax into the support and allow myself to heal and settle into the new reality.

Meredith gave everyone in the household a feeling of being cared for and attended to.  Although she checked in with me to see what I needed and was always mindful of consent, she also was not afraid to take charge in all the ways we needed, including keeping the older kids engaged while she was cooking or tidying in order to give me some precious moments of rest with the baby.  She provided us with helpful advice, and even helped me think about and offered resources for things I hadn’t gotten set up yet, such as caregivers for when I go back to work.  She was gentle and loving with the baby, and always found helpful things to do without needing a lot of direction.  When she wasn’t at our home, she checked in with me to see how I was doing and if I needed anything, giving a feeling that she was thinking about our wellbeing even when she wasn’t “on the clock.”  

Meredith is a skilled and knowledgeable doula, but more than anything else, she is a deeply kind and compassionate person.  By the time she finished her work with us, I felt like she was part of the family, and we were all sad to say goodbye.  I would not hesitate to recommend Meredith to anyone seeking a kind, intuitive, confident, and reassuring person to be alongside them in the difficult but also very beautiful postpartum period.

- Sarah