permission to feel

Welcome back!

I've been listening to Brene Brown's podcast, Unlocking Us... for many reasons I highly recommend this podcast. First, everything she talks about is always rooted in her research and years of education and work. Her work is not "feel good", it's hard and, a lot of the time it's uncomfortable. Second, she admits what she doesn't know and brings in amazing guests to offer their perspective and expertise.

One of my favorite podcasts was with Dr Marc Brackett. He's an emotional intelligence researcher and his perspective is eye opening. I felt like I learned so much in that hour. I want to go back and listen again, so I can write down what I couldn't because I was driving. He talks about the importance of naming our emotions, checking with ourselves, identifying how we are feeling and maybe, if we can, think about and identify the why behind those feelings.

I'm sharing this podcast here because as new parents you are feeling all sorts of feelings and they are BIG, right? You are tired, overwhelmed, fully in love with this new little person, while also wishing they'd just sleep/stop crying/eat, feeling frustrated with your partner, while also being fully in love with them... all those feelings can be confusing. You may think you are the only one feeling what you are feeling and therefore you can't share it because you SHOULD be feeling one way, but don't. Society tells us we should LOVE being a new mom/dad. Society tells us we should be so HAPPY to have this new baby.

Society tells us A LOT and almost none of it is true. I wish FB allowed me to bold certain things I type... cuz this one should be in BOLD and highlighted, this one feels like the most honest thing I could say to you today... the story sold to you by society is a lie. Life is hard and that's okay.

Parenthood is hard work and it is okay for you to be feeling what you are feeling right now. ALL of it is okay. Name it, say it out loud, find someone who will listen (maybe that person is me, maybe it's your partner, or a friend, maybe it's an anonymous person because you've decided to call a help line), find someone who will support you, your partner and your baby through all these big, sometimes scary, feelings. You have a community here to support you as well, reach out and know you are loved.

If you have the time, I've shared the link to Brene's podcast, and hope you'll listen. I will also share the link to purchase Dr Brackett's book- Permission to Feel- below. This book is one you want in your library, one you'll go to and reference often. And, if you order it from the link provided, you'll support a small, independent bookshop and that just makes me happy.

Listen to the podcast here!

Permission to Feel, by Marc Brackett

Please let me know your thoughts on the podcast. What are your take away moments? What made you think, question, feel? Will you share it with your community?

Love and Light Friends. And happy listening!



James McKenna on co-sleeping